리얼 클래스 3월 18일 학습 일기] It can wait. 본문
It can wait. 그건 나중에 해도 돼.
I will keep that in mind. 참고할게요.
It's scraping whole time. 계속 긁혀요.
I'm livid. 나 너무너무 화가 나.
I just have too much on my plate lately. 나 요새 너무 바빠.
Excuses excuses. 아우 진짜 핑계는
Let's hit the town after work tonight! 오늘 밤 일 끝나고 아주 신나게 놀아보자!
But it's a big maybe. 그럴 가능성이 높아.
Oh come on! Don't be a party pooper! 노잼 되지 마!
wet blanket : 찬물을 끼얹는 사람, 갑분싸를 만드는 사람
What do you know? 너가 뭘 알아? (you에 강세)
What I meant by that is I think you both just need to talk it out. 말을 해봐야 한다는 의미였어.
talk it out : 해결책을 찾기 위해 대화로 문제를 풀어가는 것
Talk is cheap. Take action. Actions speak louder. 말은 쉽지. 행동을 해봐. 행동이 더 커.
She drives me up the wall! 그녀는 날 환장하게 해.
I know she does, but you need to talk it out. Be the bigger person. 너가 좀 참아.
Take the high road : 참아. 너가 참아. (고급진 표현) >Ex. Take the high road because you are the bigger person.
Have my back = Back me up, Support me
Back me up will you? 너도 한 마디 좀 해봐봐, 내 편이잖아~!
If you know, you know. 알지? 맛본 자만 안다. 아는 자만 안다. (ifykyk)
You have my word = I promise = I mean it. 약속할게
I swear on my life. 장을 지진다. 목숨을 걸고 말한다.
Under no circumstances, should you unlock my phone. 어떤 상황이라도 내 폰을 열면 안되지.
Hopeless romantic 금사빠, 사랑 없인 못사는 사람
can't take a hint : 눈치 없다.
Read the room. 분위기 파악 좀 해. >Ex. You can't take the hint. Read the room.
Hey, we're thinking about going to the mall this weekend. Is that cool with you? 괜찮니?
Does that work for you? (formal, schedule 얘기할 때 많이 쓰임)
I'm way ahead of you! I started watching last week. 진즉에 했지! 난 지난 주에 보기 시작했는데.
while you're at it ~하는 김에
at the last minute 막판에
Oh, you going out? While you're at it, can you pick up the laundry? 나간다고? 나가는 김에 세탁물 좀 픽업해와라.
I'm telling you. We need to address the job situation right now. 내가 들어가라니까. 우리는 직업 상황에 대해 논의를 해봐야 해.
I know... I'm just in limbo because I'm worried about making the wrong decision.
In limbo : Uncertain or undecided 붕 뜨다
In trouble = In hot water
My sister was in hot water when mom found that she was lying about her grades.
Mark my words, you will regret it if you don't accept the position. 딱 들어,
I don't know how I feel about this.. 나도 내 맘을 잘 모르겠어. (확신이 없을 때 쓴다.)
You gotta do what you gotta do. 어쩌겠어. 할 건 해야지.
It is what it is. 어쩔 수 없지, 별 수 없지.
rambling 횡설수설 >Ex. Sorry for rambling.
whatnot 기타등등
I heard she is on a date and she said she went to the cafe and.. whatnot. 뭐 그렇대.
a rebound (relationship) : 환승 연애, 이별 후 힘들어서 이를 극복하기 위해 가볍게 만나는 관계
You're not a rebound.
The thing is this is all for our tips. 실은 꿀팁은 여기까지야.
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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